Transform Patient Safety

Prudent PS360 is a patient safety application built on the ServiceNow platform, leveraging advanced digital transformation capabilities.
We help healthcare providers streamline data from various sources and identify risks and safety hazards early. With unique workflow automation and data analytics, Prudent PS360 simplifies processes and improves outcomes.
As a cloud-based platform, it enables you to build resilient and highly available workflow applications. It also means you have round-the-clock access to the data and have extra security for your sensitive patient information.

Integrated Modules in a Single Solution

AI Spotlight
Advanced analyst tools to identify unreported incidents from EMR, ADT, patient complaints, and any other records.

Incident Reporting
Empower staff to report incidents quickly and efficiently form any device. Predefined WHO categories and dynamic forms designed for even the most complex organizations

KPIs Management
Define Key Performance Indicators that are as simple as GUI based filter conditions and as powerful as scripted queries. Build SLA and triggers to kickoff any task or workflow

Root Cause Analysis
Start concise or comprehensive investigations and identify sequence of events, contributing factors, gaps, and collaboratively assign tasks and reviews

Clinical Risks
Identify and manage clinical risks, review improvement measures, and integrate with enterprise risk

Advanced patient complaints and survey from mobile, web or email.Auto assignment rules and SLA.

AI Capabilities

PS360 AI Spotlight is an integrated module that automate the discovery of unreported events from various sources.
- Hosted on your facilities, you can upload clinical notes in CSV format or connect to your HIS directly
- NLP models are up to 77% success rate in identifying incidents
- Correlate against reported incidents and highlight only what’s important for safety analysts to review
- Convert AI reports to incidents to investigate or simply use it to benchmark overall performance.
Role-Based Dashboards and reports

Highly configurable interface and reports with role based access with SSO / LDAP integration
- Role based dashboard and reports for units heads, risk managers, safety analysts, and frontline staff.
- Dynamic dashboard data and reminders of tasks assigned to me
- Create new dashboards and information layout in minutes

Integrations with ADT and EMR

Prudent PS360 is a patient safety application built on the ServiceNow platform, leveraging digital transformation features. Prudent PS360 s’ aim is to improve patient safety by helping healthcare providers streamline data from various sources and identify risks and safety hazards early. With unique workflow automation and data analytics, Prudent PS360 simplifies processes and improves outcomes.
As it is a cloud-based platform, it enables you to build resilient and highly available workflow applications. It also means you have round-the-clock access to the data and have extra security for your sensitive patient information.